Consisting of five parts, the summerprogramlastedfourweeks.In the first part,Professor Wu Yunxia of the School of Pharmacygave lectures on three topics.Duringthelectures,ProfessorWu actively interacted with the students and taughtthembasicdiagnosticmethodsof TCM through practice, greatly stimulatingtheir thirst for knowledge.
In the second part,theparticipants visited Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College and its Proton Medical Center.Duringthe visit,they learnedthe history of the hospital, the operation of pharmacy-related departments, and the latest progress of proton therapy. Theyalso learned the comprehensive strengthsand development of China’s medical industry.

Aftervisitingthe Tongji Hospital history museum,thestudents gainedan insightintothe development of the hospital and Tongji Medical College. In theDepartment ofPharmacy,theygot to knowTCMplantsand their properties. This experience enhanced their understanding of China’s medical system, promoted the exchange of Chinese and foreign medical cultures, and laid a solid foundation for future international collaborations.

The School of Pharmacyalsoorganized visits to fivelocalpharmaceutical enterprises.Duringthe visits,theparticipants learned more about the industry’s outlook, cutting-edge technologiesandexpertise.

The third part was practice in labs.In the third week, studentsworked in labsunder the guidance of professors from the School of Pharmacy, learned about lab safety, and collaborated withthefaculty and graduate students. Thisprepared themfor future international cooperation.

The fourth part was field practice in the Lushan base. The School of Pharmacy led the students to the Lushan base for a field study of medicinal plants in the fourth week.

Professor Wang Jianping instructed the students in the knowledge of natural medicines, the collection of medicinal plants in the wild, and the preparation of biological specimens at the Lushan base. This unique experience satisfied the students with knowledge, fun andbeautifulnatural landscape.

In the last part,students learned aboutthe development ofChinese characters, historyandfood culture throughlectures.Besides, they visitedfamous landmarks in Wuhan to gain amorecomprehensive understanding ofthesociety and culture as well asanddevelopment ofthe city.

During the summerprogram, the School of Pharmacyalsoorganized a visit to the main campusso that thestudentscouldlearn about the school’s history andeducationresources in the field of biomedical science.

After four weeks of study,thestudents gained a lot from the program. While reaping the benefits of their academic experience, they also forged profound friendships with the faculty and students of the School of Pharmacy. The summer programnot only extendedHUST’s international influence but also laid a solid foundation for deeperinternational exchanges and cooperation in the future.
Written by:Fang Siyuan
Edited by:Yang Kunjie, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng